PBIS & Student Discipline

What is PBIS?
What is PBIS?![]()
What is PBIS?
PBIS is an evidence based, three tiered system to improve and integrate data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. Tier 1 practices and systems establish a foundation of regular, proactive support while preventing unwanted behaviors. These universal supports are provided to all students, school-wide. Tier 2 practices and systems support students who are at risk for developing more serious problem behaviors before those behaviors start. These supports help students develop the skills they need to be successful at school. In Tier 3, students receive more intensive, individualized support to improve their behavioral and academic outcomes. At this level, formal assessments may be used to help determine a student’s need.
Student Discipline and Restorative Practices
Student Discipline and Restorative Practices![]()
Student Discipline and Restorative Practices
If a student does not adhere to the expected behaviors as outlined in the matrix below, we follow a progressive continuum to re-teach the expected behavior and ensure that students are appropriate and kind members of our school community. The PBIS Behavior Management Flowchart below outlines this progressive response. Parent communication takes place through the Parent Notification Form, Office Discipline Referral, and individual conversations or emails. Consequences vary depending on the circumstances of the behavior. Our goal with all instances of misbehavior is not to assign a punitive consequence, but to support students in demonstrating expected, appropriate behaviors. We use natural consequences, such as a break from recess if unsafe or unkind actions are occurring at recess, and also restorative practices to coach students to an understanding of the impact of their actions on others. Individual student meetings and small group restorative circles help students build social skills in conflict resolution, take responsibility for their actions, and engage in acts of empathy and forgiveness. Our adminstrative team, teachers, and counselor work closely with families to ensure that students have the developmentally appropriate tools needed to be successful citizens in our school community.