- Parent & Student Resources
No Place For Hate
DJAES is proud to be “No Place for Hate”!
The Anti-Defamation League’s No Place for Hate® (NPFH) initiative provides schools and communities with an organizing framework for uniting against bias, bullying and hate. The goals of NPFH are to:
- build an inclusive and safe community in which all students are respected and can thrive,
- to empower students, faculty, administration and family members to take a stand against hate and bullying by incorporating new and existing programs under one powerful message,
- to commit to a school wide pledge,
- and to engage schools in at least three anti-bias activities per year that promote respect and kindness.
A committee comprised of students, staff, and parents meets regularly to plan and discuss our NPFH activities.
The No Place For Hate Pledge
I PROMISE to do my best to treat everyone fairly.
I PROMISE to do my best to be kind to everyone - even if they are not like me.
IF I SEE someone being hurt or bullied, I will tell a teacher.
EVERYONE should be able to feel safe and happy in school.
I WANT OUR SCHOOL to be No Place for Hate.
For more information about the Anti-Defamation League and No Place for Hate, please visit their website: https://www.noplaceforhate.org/